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How To Stay Happy And Sane At Home – Tips For Keeping Healthy
Hopefully, you will have begun getting used to spending more time at home than normal and adjusted to life in lockdown, but we know there will be some out there finding it a struggle.
It is a difficult experience and there’s absolutely no shame in anyone feeling like that. What can really help is retaining a healthy mind and body, which is a lot simpler than it may sound.
If your mind and body are kept strong in the safe space of your home, you will get through this, no question!
It requires a series of steps, something along these lines:
Have a daily schedule and lots of chat
You want to be active at a time like this and stay busy, not being tempted to have long lie-ins in the morning and constantly take refuge on the sofa.
Compile a list of jobs you can do each day. Ticking them off as you do them will give you a good feeling and is great for self-esteem. For a job that will keep you occupied over several weeks, why not try learning to play the guitar or picking up a new language.
Make time for talking though. Organise regular online chats with friends and family members that you can’t currently see to boost spirits amongst yourselves.

Enjoy outdoor living more often
Don’t become too tied to your indoor space if you have a garden – get out there and enjoy it!
It’s so important that you get fresh air and a bit of Vitamin D from the sun, and the weather is so far thankfully allowing us to spend lots of time outdoors.
You can’t go abroad for the moment, but like you do on holiday, you could have breakfast, lunch and dinner outside if you put a table and chairs directly in the sunlight. Put out bean bags for the kids so they can sink into them and look at their mobile devices outdoors, rather than indoors.

Join the baking craze
Similar to when the Great British Bake Off first took off, people have gone bonkers for baking again, with flour, eggs and sugar flying off the supermarket shelves.
It’s rarely mentioned just how much of a meditative and stress-relieving activity baking can be, which you will discover when you try making a banana bread or Victoria sponge.
Put your apron on and see what showstopper you can cook up. Dishing out the final bake will give you such a buzz too, and if it comes out really well, post a photo of it on your Instagram page for foodies everywhere to salivate over.

Now would also be a great time to plan some home improvements as you may have noticed areas that need enhancing. Organise them with the help of Planet using our FREE Online Appointment Service.
Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 0800 61 222 55
Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.