There are very differing opinions on when you should put up your Christmas decorations and it usually depends on people’s religious beliefs, so if you haven’t put yours up yet then you certainly won’t be on your own.
However, Christmas Day is now just over two weeks away and we believe it’s never too early to get in the festive spirit, which you will definitely be once you have decorated your house inside and out in anticipation of Santa’s arrival.
Make your decorating day a full family affair! Get the fire burning, put on some classic Christmas songs, pour a glass of mulled wine and treat yourself and everyone else to a mince pie afterwards.
As a gift to you, here are our best Christmas decorating tips…
Dress your door
Your front door will look naked without some sort of Christmas decoration attached to it.
Hang up a homemade or pre-made Christmas wreath featuring Christmassy items such as baubles, fairy lights, pine cones, red colours ribbon etc.
If a Christmas wreath is a little old-fashioned for your taste you could always jump onto the latest trend of adding a big red bow to your door.
Dress your dinner table too
Come Christmas Day afternoon it will be time to tuck into the Christmas turkey and pull a few crackers at the dinner table.
Adorn the table with a festive table cloth and sprinkle a few snowflakes over it to give it that extra sparkle.
You could also create some personalised place-holders for everyone that’s coming to dinner using a bauble or wreath as the holder to help your guests feel right at home on this most special of days.
Be creative with your Christmas cards
Even if you’ve not put up your decorations yet, it’s highly likely that you will have received some Christmas cards from friends and family members.
Instead of just displaying them on the mantelpiece or your window cills, use them to make a Christmas decoration on one of your walls – how about a Christmas tree?
All you need is to apply some sticky tape to the back of each card and arrange them in a Christmas tree shape with the rows descending in number as you get to the top. There might be other seasonal shapes you can think of.