Composite Doors vs UPVC Doors

Buying a new front door for your home may not be quite as easy as you think as it will have a massive effect on the entire appearance of your entranceway and you have to decide whether a composite door or UPVC door is your best option.

Oak Composite Door Cameo
Composite vs UPVC Door

Keep in mind too that visitors to your house, especially first-time visitors, will often judge your house solely by the look of the front door. If you’re honest, you won’t want them to be dismissive in their thoughts, more appreciative about what they see.

UPVC doors dominate the streets of Cumbria and North Lancashire, but sales of composite doors are on the rise. When considering types of doors, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option.

While we would find it impossible to give you a definitive reason for preferencing one over the other, we can outline how composite doors and UPVC doors compare in certain important areas…

Comparing Door Styles: UPVC and Composite Options

UPVC stands for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. You will notice use of the word ‘plastic’ and there is a plastic sheen to a UPVC door, which isn’t as unappealing as it may sound! UPVC doors are also available in a surprisingly broad choice of coloured finishes, not just traditional white.

There’s no doubt though that composite doors may slightly edge it in stylishness terms as they perfectly resemble timber doors. The reason they look like wood is because they contain a small amount of wood.

The styling of both will not be affected by the weather as they’re weather-resistant, so you don’t have to worry about repainting or any sort of maintenance.

Price Difference Between UPVC and Composite Doors

Your choice of front door may come down to how much money you’re able or prepared to spend on one. The cheaper option is a UPVC door.

It’s easy for us to say, but try not to let the cost of a door take too much precedence as the thermal efficiency offered by both door types is exceptional and will save you hundreds of pounds on fuel bills.

Also, don’t be mistaken for thinking that the relative affordability of a UPVC door must make it inferior to a composite door as that is not true.

Composite vs. UPVC: Which Door Is Safer?

The most important job of any front door is to keep your home and everything inside of it well protected.

Several resilient door materials are utilised in a composite door design and meshing them together makes it an incredibly strong solution. Very few composite doors are capable of being broken when locked.

It may not be as tough as a composite door, but a UPVC door still offers considerable strength and includes hi-tech locking technology in the shape of a multi-point locking mechanism. This keeps a UPVC door tightly fastened when secured.

Planet fits and supplies a host of UPVC doors and composite doors as we firmly believe they’re as good as each other. To decide which door gets your vote come to our Kendal showroom to see many of these designs in-situ.


You’re assured of a very warm welcome when you call into our Kendal showroom to view our fabulous products, with several experienced sales consultants ready and waiting to give you a helping hand.


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